Noon by Krasner
Is a part of her Little Image-series. This piece is definitely viewed as a particularly beautiful painting with much genius.

Krasner knew she wanted to be a painter from 13 and she began approaching life with that intent. Ending up at the National Academy Krasner was unfortunately disappointed with the conservative approach being conducted. She then fell into more bohemian art circles during the 1930s and, like many of her artistic peers, was drawn to Marxism. She chose to study under the leading artist and theorist Hans Hofmann. This proved significant since he exposed the young artist to the work and theories of Cubist painter and sculptor Pablo Picasso, as well as the modernist Henri Matisse. Under Hofmann, Krasner began to work in an "all-over" style, informing her paintings with abstract, repetitive design and motif. Krasner was a founder of the American Abstract Expressionist group and became keen on this type of painting. She was married to Jackson Pollock by 1945 and balanced a life of administering his art affairs and working on her own work. Her success was not limited however as her art put her on a pedestal. By the time she died. in 1984, her retrospective show was on it's way to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
This piece was done about midway through her lifetime. ''Noon" presents the viewer with a sensuous surface of bright colors measured by thick white commas. Nearly every inch of color is a new occurrence of struck or pattern. There is intimacy and precision in the details in this piece . This brings it all the more to life. Looking at this piece you feel like you are looking at an explosion of life dancing of the canvas. It is uniquely achieved in the build momentary wisps of color combatted against the pale thick strokes and white spaces. This piece is mesmerizing and musical. Representing her Abstract expressionism is bright lighting, this piece deserves to be under a microscope.